Tuesday, June 28, 2011


While making a drawing or painting, it is of crucial importance that the artist consider all the space available. This space is comprised of both Positive and Negative Space. Positive space is what is consider a tangible object or the main subject in most cases. The Negative Space is the space that resides in between and around the Positive Space. Often when beginnings to make drawings, the student focuses exclusively on the Positive Space and all its details, leaving the negative space completely un- utilized. This is a tremendous amount of space that is not activated. Every square inch of the surface should be considered. Begin by thinking of your overall composition, are there interesting shapes around the perimeter of the subject? is this space interesting as it meets the edge of the page? are the interior shapes with the positive space active?
Student Example

Upon the activation of Negative Space, one realizes their are many ways to make a drawing. The drawing process no longer must begin with the pencil delineating shapes, but may begin with the eraser carving out negative space, or light within a composition. Think about it a little more sculpturally. One could have a block of shadow and slowly begin to carve out light and then add more darks etc. It does not have to be solely an additive process where I continually add and compile detail, I could begin by subtracting.
Student Example

Student Example

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